Dan Drust

Software Engineer
based in West Michigan

Database Daily: Starting on Hashing

16 May 2023

I’ve taken a few days off since getting sort fully implemented. Hashing has been in the back of my mind and finally today I found quick 20 minutes to review the CS186 lecture on sorting and hashing to think a bit more carefully about hashing.

The problem is different from sort in a few ways. With sort, I didn’t necessarily have to think about how many buffers or files I’d need to use to sort a file - I simply kept filling buffers and writing to files when I ran out of memory. With hashing you need a plan up front - how many partitions will you set up? I’m taking a naive approach and just using the number of buffers available, reserving a single one for streaming the data source from disk. Though in my implementation I’m relying on an iterator to stream this data; my Hasher class doesn’t really care where it’s coming from or what memory’s being used to stream it 🤔

In any case, I was able to get a really simple POC stood up tonight in about an hour. Firstly, I read about how Ruby’s #hash method works - particularly for integers. There’s a random seed that’s used so you don’t get the integer itself passed through the hashing function. In order to get an input set that I know will predictibly fill the partitions in my specs, I’m looping until n.hash % partition_count fills zero through my partition count.

Next, I did a quick-and-dirty implementation of Hasher where I get N buffers and use a naive modulo-based hash function to partiiton the incoming data. Using the helper described above I know that only one tuple will be written to each buffer. After the partitioning phase I just loop through the buffers and read them sequentially until they’re empty.

This approach works for my simple case, but there are a number of limitations:

I’ll keep iterating with slightly more complex cases like I did with sort. Next time I’d like to tackle the first point. I’ll generate a set of input that intentionally contains collisions in my coarse-grained partitioning phase, requiring more fine-grained in-memory hashing as the Hasher outputs tuples.

Written by Dan Drust on 16 May 2023

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