Dan Drust

Software Engineer
based in West Michigan

Database Daily: Considering Tuple Transformation

4 May 2023

Goal: Start implementing a complete Sort executor

The magic of this project is that it’s completely unstructured and I just follow problems as they come up. It’s iterative; it’s fast and loose.

When considering the algorithm for a full-service Sort node I realized something kind of quirky - I want to sort a Ruby array representation of a tuple, but I want to store buffers full of as many bytestring representations of tuples as I can in 4kb. As written, my Scanner class doesn’t just stream tuples from disk. It’s deserializes tuples and streams the deserialized representation. For an executor class that doesn’t need to worry about the possibility of writing a page of tuples back to disk this isn’t a problem! But for executors that must be IO aware – Sort and eventually Hash – there’s a 2N cost of re- and de-serializing tuples.

It’s not a huge deal, but it’s not great either. The ergonomics are rough and as it stands today I lose some tuple metadata during transformation – the size of the tuple being the missing piece that would make sort a bit easier even if I did accept the cost of re/deserialization.

So this morning was mostly thinking through how this might be designed better and considering some options:

Finally - should I just bit the bullet and use a systems langauge like Rust? I can move fast in Ruby, but some of the reasons I can move fast also serve as blockers. In the end, the experience has been fine - do a thing, see it working, push the boundary, find an issue, think about it, iterate. I’m not sure that I’m ready to pull the trigger on using a different language. I need to keep the tradeoff between writing a POC and having access to the bare metal in mind. Plus, this has to be fun! If it’s not fun, it’s game over

I may defer the language question and instead focus next on schema definition. In the end schemas will need to be dynamic - any two nodes have to be able to agree on a schema at runtime to execute a query. So thinking more carefully about schema definition can’t hurt. Though a wrapper around a tuple bystring is very tempting, too!

Written by Dan Drust on 4 May 2023

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